Embark on an exploration of the UDOO universe through our impressive lineup of high-performance single-board computers at Devobravo.com. UDOO boards seamlessly integrate with an Arduino Due compatible microcontroller, rendering them exceptionally suited for computer science education, Makers, and the dynamic landscape of Internet of Things (IoT) projects. Immerse yourself in the world of UDOO, encompassing the UDOO X86, UDOO Neo, Extended UDOO Neo, and an array of others, each meticulously crafted to align with your wireless mobile application aspirations.
Fusing the capabilities of a Dual or Quad-Core ARM Freescale Cortex-A9 i.MX 6 CPU, primed for running Linux or Android operating systems, alongside an Arduino Due compatible board housing an ARM Atmel SAM3X8E CPU, UDOO unfolds as a multifaceted development platform tailored to bring your projects to life. Unleash your boundless creativity in the company of UDOO, where possibilities know no bounds.